Sunday, November 23, 2008

Say Goodbye to the Trailer!

Yeah, we're movin on up...!! We've started closings at Zenith; residents are moving into the building, and so are we!

Today is the last day we'll be holding open houses in our lovely double wide. Look for us next week in our stunning models...just come to the front door, call the number posted, and we'll buzz you in.

Hours will remain the same: Wed-Sun from
12 to 5...see you soon!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lobby in Progress

Zenith's lobby is almost finished! As you can see here, our dedicated workers are getting ready to lay the carpet. The tile has been installed, the funky wallpaper is up, and the fireplace is here just in time for a warm cozy gathering.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sweet Seats

Awesome new outdoor benches are now installed in the courtyard at Zenith. I'm impressed by the modern sleek design and the materials. This is an extremely dense, hard, weather-resistant wood called Ipe or sometimes called Ironwood.

From the Wikipedia site: The wood is used for furniture, decking, and other outdoor uses. It has a fire rating of A1 (the highest possible, the same as concrete),and is denser than water (it sinks). It is increasingly popular as a decking material due to its insect resistance and durability.